The Pixels

Elemental Video Game Critiques

“6 years, 6 months, and 66 episodes”

5 min read
A personal journey through 6 years of blogging, 6 months of streaming, and 66 episodes of podcasting, in brief!


I feel more optimistic about the future than I have in a very long time. It’s been a crazy couple of years for changes in my life (see a recent blog on that, if you’re so inclined) but change can really be for good. And as things continue to change, the point of life is to keep moving forward.

Life is like a 2D side-scroller in that regard. Going back is sometimes impossible. You have to hold down that Y button and keep running until you can make the leap of faith and grab life by the flagpole. Fireworks ensue.

It’s been nearly 6 years since The Well-Red Mage became a thing (6 years next month). It wasn’t my first blog but it became the first successful site I ever ran (success being that difficult, intangible thing to measure, but I was happy with it). It was something for me to focus on during a shift in career and family matters. When I first started the site that would eventually rebrand as The Pixels, a friend of mine told me I’d give it up, that I couldn’t keep it going, that it’d wind up just another draft in a folder on a dead laptop, I kid you not.

In 6 years, I’ve learned collaboration. I have had the pleasure of meeting with and working with over 100 amazing creators. Writers, editors, producers, streamers, social media personalities, content creators, and everything in between. And it has been one of the best experiences of my life. I got to meet some real friends. We created the biggest written Super Mario collaboration ever (Super Mario Multiverse) and tied together multiple blogs representing the entire Final Fantasy franchise (Final Fantasy: A Crystal Compendium) and many more events, collabs, and works of written art produced with and by others too numerous to name. Thousands of articles. Over 70 writers had written for the site. But eventually the time came to trim things down again and to refocus, hence the rebrand and the smaller writing team.

In the past 6 months, I’ve learned the power of personal connections. I started streaming and it felt right at home among the other content I help bring into the world. I had no idea what to expect with streaming but I’m more than grateful for the nearly 300 follows (5 away!) and the incredible show of support from the community. I started streaming in order to create a platform where I can engage with the community in a more immediate and personal way, and that’s exactly what’s happened. I’ve been able to connect with new friends in a new way!

Over the past 66 episodes of MAGE CAST, I’ve learned life is too short to not do what makes you happy. Turns out I’ve known a lot of friends like that first friend who told me I’d give up. I was asked point blank if I really actually thought MAGE CAST would go anywhere. As if “making it big” was the whole reason for creativity. That to me is beside the point. Obviously, I want people to enjoy what I make, but I don’t only enjoy making what I make if others happen to enjoy it.

Returning to MAGE CAST has been an absolute joy and as I look forward to reaching 100 episodes sooner rather than later, I’m thinking greater frequency, more games, and more guests. 2 sponsors continue to bolster and fortify the show and raising Patreon from the ashes for new supporters is a steady uphill climb.


Things have changed, but things remain the same. I’m still interested in writing and games criticism… I’m still interested in podcasting… I’m still interested in streaming… I guess this sounds like a resignation, but it’s not.

It’s a defiant fist shaking at the sky! Okay, maybe not that extreme. Scratch that.

It’s a reminder to keep on moving forward, not just despite of people who tell you to your face (or behind your back) that you will fail but in spite of them.

If your surrender makes haters happy, then don’t surrender.

If a few bitter anti-fans get a kick out of your failure, then learn from failure and keep going.

If people would rather your content stopped existing, then don’t give them the pleasure.

The most that detractors want to see from you is to disappear entirely. Deny them that joy, not because they’re worth your attention but because you are worth your own happiness, creativity, and success!

Create harder!!

As for The Pixels, the Twitch stream, MAGE CAST podcast, the triforce of of my life force, expect to see things bigger and better in 2022, signed, sponsored, delivered! Don’t just celebrate the milestones of the past… look forward to the landmarks to come. This post has been about orienting myself in the right direction. Do it for the people who love you. And do it for the haters, too!

But The Pixels isn’t just about me. You can come along for the ride. You can be a part of the content, the collabs, the events, the pods, and the streams. I’m inviting you to be a closer part of this community and we can experience the peaks of 2022 together! See you in Discord, support us on Patreon~


Red formerly ran The Well-Red Mage and now serves The Pixels as founder, writer, editor, and podcaster. He has undertaken a seemingly endless crusade to talk about the games themselves in the midst of a culture obsessed with the latest controversy, scandal, and news cycle about harassment, toxicity, and negativity. 
Pick out his feathered cap on Twitter @thewellredmage or Mage Cast.

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